Saturday, November 6, 2010

Glimpse the Shadow. . .

I've been watching this man for the last several days on the train. I have been asked to be silent much more these days than to speak. It feels strangely odd, but peaceful. What Jesus tells me is to just watch and be still, but to 'show them My Heart'.

Back to the man - I don't know what his religion or belief must be. But he's always reading this square book - perfectly square in size - about 8" - about 2" thick - he reads it from the back to the front and he chants while he's reading. The language in the book is not English for I've been close enough to him to inconspicuously glance at it. Every so often, he covers his mouth and closes his eyes tight and his forehead tightens. Then he relaxes, opens his eyes, and goes back to reading and chanting. He is very polite; he gave up his seat the other day to a woman, and he stood by the door and continued his meditation.

We get through the tunnel and he prepares to get off, putting his book in his bag. He then just stares off into space, once in awhile yawning, until it's time to go. He never speaks and he never smiles.

This morning, Jesus and I visited about him. I said, “Lord, that man is so devout in whatever it is or whoever he is worshipping.” Lord said “Yep, and?” I said, “Well, Jesus, he's so unhappy looking. I've watched him off and on for several days and it's always the same. My heart is heavy for him for I know he doesn't know You and truthfully, Lord, I don't feel he wants to know you.” Jesus said, “And how, Dear, do you know that?” I replied, “Well, Lord, you know You've told me to be still, You haven't had me get out my Bible, so all I've done is smile. And Jesus, he will NEVER look at me so I can smile at him. For I know if he'd see Your Smile through me, he'd be moved toward You.” Jesus said, “Exactly right, Dear - he would see Me through you, if he would but look. He'd see the sparkle you have for Me. And I'm sure you've noticed how dead his eyes are?” I said, “Yes Jesus, no light at all. Not even a glimmer.” “Well, Dear, that's what feeling unrighteous will do to those who are made to honor someone or something other than Me. Those, like you, who have been called and choose to be My Child, will have that peace these others will never see. Do you understand now why he won't look at you, Dear?” I said, “Yes, Lord, I understand. He can't, and won't, let himself even glimpse the shadow of Your Smile, for he then, Lord, would be changed. And His whole life would be different. So Jesus, what to do?”

"You know, my Child. Just keep smiling!"

I love you, Lord......

Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear. Matthew 13:43

Thursday, January 7, 2010

When the Lord Says Run. . .

Early one Saturday morning a month or so ago, I found myself in an extremely foul mood. For those of you who know me, it is rare that I get really angry, but when I do, well, “Katy, bar the door.” I could have bit nails in two that morning. It was a busy day and I had lots to do, but the only thing I was hearing was the Lord telling me to get out of the house, into the sunshine and just move.

So, I tied my tennis shoes and with a tissue in hand to wipe the tears that bubbled down my face, I took off. I walked out the front door and down the sidewalk, and I was movin', let me tell ya. I normally saunter along, enjoying the day, but I walked this morning with purpose. And all the while, I was talking to Jesus.

I rounded the corner and was beginning about my 4th block, and my feet took me north. I saw the elementary school in sight and across the field, the middle school. I noticed a man with a dog walking the track between the two schools, and I knew the Lord was telling me to go walk that track. I thought well, maybe, He wants me to talk to that man. Goodness, Jesus, I can’t quit crying, how can I talk to anybody right now? Lord said, just walk, Cindy. So I started walking the track. I felt the small pebbly stones beneath the soles of my worn shoes, and I breathed in the fresh air, big deep breaths. I walked fast, like I had someone right at my heels. And I just kept talking to the Lord, and He just kept telling me to walk. I’d walked halfway around the track, and I remember I just kept saying right out loud, be still and know, be still and know, and yet my feet kept going faster and faster. And I said, Lord, you know from the time I was in 5th grade, I’ve wanted to run. But Jesus, I’ve never been in any shape to be able to run. And He said, as I rounded the top of the track, Cindy, well, then, it’s time for you to RUN. Run, Lord? Me? Yep, you – you RUN now! And then I took off! And I ran and I cried and I smiled and I screamed, Lord, look at ME, I’m running and it feels so good! And He said, just keep going! I slowed up at the opposite end and I walked another ½ of the track, and then He said, well, do you think you can do it again? I said, Lord, I can do anything with You! And off I went. . . again!

As I rounded the south end, I was feeling so renewed, but I slowed up and walked off into the grassy area and out onto the sidewalk. Lord said, it’s time to go home now and take care of things at hand. But don’t you feel better? I said Lord, this was exactly what I needed, You always know exactly what I need and the precise time I need it. He said, yes, Cindy, I do, but you are the one who has to be willing to listen to my words, trust me in what I say, and then do it without question. I will always take care of you and lead you down the right path. Always. . . .

I made my way back home that Saturday morning, ready to begin the day anew. I still had thoughts on my mind that took me out in the first place, but they were fading and my life with Him was coming into clear, perfect view, and I knew the day would be fine.

So, when the Lord says run, you run! He knows, and He knows you, and just what you need, and how much you need Him. And how much He loves you!

I'm just. . . lovin' Him ~


In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

An Affirmation for the New Year

I’ve never been one to make resolutions for the New Year. Not that I didn’t want to do things in my life, or to change things, or to make things better, it’s just that if you never tell anyone the resolutions you intend to make, you’re never really accountable to anyone but yourself. And you know as well as I, that we can talk ourselves out of just about anything! So, the act of making resolutions, to me, although meant for all good intent, ends in a wasted effort.

So what profound statement can one make at the beginning of a brand new year if we decide to not make resolutions? I choose to call it an “affirmation”. An affirmation is a statement made with conviction and purpose and passion. You believe what you say in an affirmation, and you believe it with your whole heart.

I looked back over my journal entries for the past year and focused on New Year’s Day, 2009. And although I could write something new and different for New Year's Day, 2010, I have to say that the words from last year say everything and more for this year.

The only true, beautiful way to Jesus is through love. At a point in my life, I wondered why it took me so long to finally get where I was. When I asked the Lord, He told me ‘It’s always in My time, not yours, Dear.’ He’s taught me there is such joy to walk and talk with Him, to listen and then hear His voice, and live each day for Him, and not for me or for others. If your first thought in the morning when your feet hit the floor is “Good Morning, Lord” and the last word spoken before you drift off to sleep is “I love You, Jesus” - if you have trouble thinking about anything other than Him – when you realize that He is the One who can teach you all – when you recognize that your world revolves around Him - that is what you call truly living in His Spirit. It’s not about anybody else, just Him. . and you. It’s always been about that and always will be. We just make it hard. We live our promised eternal life right this very minute – just wrap your arms and heart around Jesus, let Him love you, and then just love Him back!

And with that, my friends, I wish you peace and joy and happiness and love for this brand new year before us! Walk with your hand in His and you will find all this and more – You will find Him!


When one of the teachers of the law asked Jesus which was the most important commandment, Jesus replied, “The most important one is this. . .the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment greater than these. Mark 12:29-31 (NIV)