Friday, December 25, 2009

. . . as Babes in the Manger

As I write, I look out on a newly-fallen blanket of white with the bright sunshine making my eyes squint and a sungrin enveloping my face. It's Christmas Day, 2009, and the first white Christmas since 1926 for Dallas, Texas. And it is wonderful, for so many reasons.

I think about the day, and the last week, and the month of December, and the year 2009, and I thank Jesus for the very breath I just inhaled. Because it is a gift, you know. HE is our gift and here's His story for this day -

Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.

For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.

And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger."

Luke 2: 10-12

A babe, lying in a manger - Jesus - the name the angel told Joseph to give Him. And Jesus - well, He was a baby, just a little baby. And what He knew at that time was probably exactly what most babies know at the moment of their birth. That if He cried, someone would take care of Him. If He was hungry, someone would feed Him. If He was messy, someone would clean Him up. Just the same way we all begin.

But Jesus grew up - just like all of us do. But let us not forget that we all begin as "babes in the manger." There's no other way to begin, as we learn and understand what the Lord has for us. And that, my Friends, is all there really is about this story. Just His true, pure love - for you and you alone - and then, the love He gives, you give to Him and to others. And as we grow in His love, we find ourselves as "babes in the manger" over and over again, and that is what He wants of us. He always said "let the children come unto Me." Just know that every time you find yourself as a "babe in the manger", it is a learning time, a comforting time, a time for total dependence on Him. And that is exactly what He wants our relationship with Him to be - to know that He will take care of us, that He will feed us, that He will clean us up, that He will love us!

So with these words, I wish you a beautiful day with our Lord, we celebrate Him everyday, not just today, and we give Him all the glory and thanks and honor and blessing and love, as He gives all to us!

As the Angel said, good tidings of great joy ~


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