Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pondering, Marveling

As I reflect on Christmas Day, I read again the Christmas story in Luke. Chapter 2, Verse 19 tells us that Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. What exactly did that mean? That she “pondered them in her heart?”

We know Mary had journeyed from Galilee to Bethlehem with her soon-to-be husband, Joseph, to be registered. What a trip this must have been – pregnant, not married, yet knowing in her heart that the child she carried was the Son of God. Her time to deliver comes upon her and there is no place to stay in Bethlehem. She gives birth to the Child in a lowly stable and lays Him in a manger. The angel, with a multitude of heavenly hosts, praises God. The shepherds come to see the Special Child and left glorifying and praising God for all they had seen and heard. Everyone who heard the news marveled at the things they were told. And Mary sat back and pondered these things in her heart.

Thinking back to the birth of my children, I can only wonder what Mary must have thought. Not only was she a brand, new young mother herself, she recognized that the Child she bore was a very special Child. Yes, He would have to be cared for as any other baby – he had to be fed, he had to be changed, he had to be swaddled. And being a new mom, she had to learn how to do this. It would have been no different for her than it was for me. And I remember how nervous and scared I was! Can you imagine how she must have felt?!!? How it must have concerned her if she was doing anything right for this very special Baby! She had quite a bit to ponder!

She knew what the angel Gabriel had told her was the absolute truth, but until she actually saw the Child, until she heard the multitudes of angels singing and the shepherds praising and the people marveling, it probably really didn’t sink in. And then. . . she understood, and she pondered, and she stood amazed.

And yet, aren’t we exactly the same? The Lord tells us to “be still and know.” He promises His Love and His strength. Yet, we worry and stew that we’re making the right decision, doing the right thing, saying the right words. And when we have “been still” and waited on Him, trusting only Him, we find out how He makes even the wrong choice right and the most upsetting situation all better. In His Time, it’s always in His Time. And we are blessed, and those around us are blessed as well. But, no matter how many times He tells us “all will be well,” we still ponder and stand amazed, just as Mary did.

And it’s OK to think on the Lord, it’s exactly what He wants us to do!



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